Sunday, October 17, 2010

10 digits of e


tracing the slope of your tangent
around a bell curve
the irrationality
of your decimal expansions
left me breathless
there was no room for doubt
in the ice of your bedroom
and watched your eyebrows move
f(x) = ex at the point x = 0 is exactly 1
you said, smiling enigmatically
though there was no enigma
for you
you found patterns tjere
danced in the rhythm of perfect numerics
watching the decimal digits grow
and grow
you saw it everywhere
kept moving forward
while i fell back
to integers
unable to follow you
out of familiar territory
from the mundane
of here and now
I watched you trip
into the transcendental

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Kata-kata Utman Affan ;

Antara tanda – tanda orang yang bijaksana itu adalah hatinya selalu berniat suci, Lidahnya selalu dibasahi dengan zikrullah, kedua-dua matanya menangis kerana penyesalan pada dosa yang dilakukan , segala perkara yang dihadapinya dengan sabar dan tabah dan mereka mengutamakan kehidupan akhirat daripada kehidupan di dunia. Sama-sama kita fikirkan
